• info@covenantofgraceministy.org

Welcome to Covenant of Grace Ministry

Welcome to Covenant of Grace Ministry

A Prayer for the land by our President

A Prayer for the land by our President

Covenant of Grace Ministry  (COG)

Covenant of Grace Ministry (COG)

COG is a church based lead, national non-governmental organization in DRC since 2023 founded to provide humanitarian assistance for relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction. The organization aims to promote and protect girls between the age of 3 and 15 rights, with particular focus on protecting them against war crimes including sexual & reproductive health rights, education, livelihood, leadership and development.  Whilst operating in different states of the country, COG carry a range of interventions in the areas of women rights, education, health & hygiene, women empowerment, emergency response & preparedness, governance, free legal aid, human rights, etc.
Provision of humanitarian assistance for relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction with particular focus on women crimes against war, abduction, rape, sexual & reproductive health, rights, livelihood, education, empowerment, leadership and development, counseling, rehabilitation 
Through provision of humanitarian assistance for relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction, we carry out advocacy and training programs on SRHR, HIV & gender justice, women livelihood, women education, strengthens the public understanding on war crimes, women, human and sexual rights, the relationship between sexuality, development and social justice.
Programmes and Activities

Programmes and Activities

The type of activities undertaken by the organization range from capacity building to service delivery, with focus remaining on the deprived and marginalized segments of the society. Whereas in terms of operations what characterizesCOG functioning are its efforts to: • enlist involvement of the WOMEN abducted because of ongoing war in DRC and when initiating activities at the grass root level; • mobilize women for bringing peace, tolerance, and development in society.
Protect the Girl Child

Protect the Girl Child

COG is a church based lead, national non-governmental organization in DRC since 2023 founded to provide humanitarian assistance for relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction. The organization aims to promote and protect girls between the age of 3 and 15 rights, with particular focus on protecting them against war crimes including sexual & reproductive health rights, education, livelihood, leadership and development.
Become A Volunteer

Become A Volunteer

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