Covenant of Grace Ministry (COG)
Programmes and Activities
To provide livelihood skills training to and women to become self-dependents. Our activities on livelihood skills training and support include and not limited to: Handcrafts making (bead-ware, handbags, sandals, handkerchiefs, bed sheets, door mats, floor mats, etc.; Briquettes making; Liquid and bar soap making and Candle making
After having served the organization for at least a year and will acquire the necessary training in livelihood skills, we; Organize young people and women into micro-enterprises or cooperative cells; Provide micro-finance loans to establish themselves; Provide training themselves to other young girls and within their localities; Repay the loans for another cycle of loans to new groups.
To ensure young girls and women are engage in peace building and social cohesion activities themselves within their localities. Conduct peace building campaigns and rallie;. Use drama and music to deliver peace messages; Create community participatory radio talk shows; Distribution of newsletters on peace building and particularly in local dialects.
Ensure increase school going child enrollment rate rise, particularly girl-child; Carrying out girl-child education enrollment; Construction of TLSs in remote areas and in rehabilitation centre and provision of school supplies / stationeries; Distribution of sanitary towels to girls; Ensure that there are WASH programs in school training to vulnerable young girls and their children
We are carrying out measures to protect environment.: Tree planning programs; Community awareness programs on the importance of protecting environment etc.
Conduct periodical assessments and research and advocate against all issues that affect the girls’ Conduct periodical assessments and research material which we share with stakeholders in young people and women issues.